Environmental protection

Environmental protection is our passion, and ensuring safety and comfort for communities is our priority. We implement projects that ensure the purity of water, safety of waste and stability of the environment. We build new facilities and modernize existing ones, adapting them to individual needs of our clients. We cooperate with subsidiaries of local and central administration units, municipal associations, and private investors.


We effectively build large energy sources and grids that transmit it to companies and end users. At CONTROL PROCESS, we create, design and renovate facilities used in every area of ​​the energy market, using both conventional and alternative energy sources. We ensure the allocation and distribution of both heat and electricity.

Oil and gas

Safely, effectively and comprehensively. We specialize in the construction of oil and gas mines and all auxiliary facilities, including: well zones, gas pipelines, compressor stations and natural gas storage facilities. CONTROL PROCESS employs specialized staff, implements detailed procedures and uses state-of-the-art equipment. We use only perfectly tested technologies, and our experience includes dozens of completed projects.


We undertake the implementation of innovative and complex investment tasks that are necessary to improve the efficiency of industry and municipal services. Many years of experience of our engineering staff allow us to participate in diverse projects related to the design and construction of industrial installations and infrastructural facilities. We provide modern solutions that provide a competitive advantage to our clients, while respecting the principles of sustainable development and caring for other project stakeholders.

We build and modernize:

  • sewage treatment plants,
  • water treatment plants,
  • pumping stations,
  • sludge drying plants,
  • waste management plants,
  • waste quarters and landfills,
  • waste and sludge disposal plants,
  • methanation and biogas production installations.


How do we do it?

We provide general contracting services on facilities that protect nature from destructive human activity.

We start with a detailed design and end with its comprehensive implementation. We build from scratch, on a turnkey basis or modernize facilities that require it.

Who are our customers?

We operate in Poland and many European countries. We contribute to environmental protection by implementing projects for municipal entities, associations of municipalities, and private investors.

Why are we a valuable partner?

We have many years of experience. We implemented our first environmental protection project in 2003.

We implement multidisciplinary projects that combine environmental issues with power generation:

– production and use of biogas and biomethane,

– thermal processing of municipal waste into energy.

We build and modernize:

  • CHP plants,
  • power plants,
  • flue gas purification installations,
  • biomass and biogas installations,
  • power stations,
  • transmission lines,
  • power installations.

What do we do and how?

We complete complex projects in the “design and build” system. As a general contractor, we bring online new and modernized sources based on gas fuels and renewable energy sources, power stations and transmission lines. We construct internal and external electrical installations intended for industrial facilities.

Who are our customers?

We complete projects for domestic and international energy corporations, participating in the construction of the largest facilities in the country. We build generating sources with a capacity of up to several dozen MWe for local governments, municipal companies and private investors.

Why are we a valuable partner?

We use optimal solutions characterized by high efficiency and low emissions. We have our own engineering office with experience in designing energy installations, which indispensable for ensuring the effective completion of projects in the “design and build” system.

We build and modernize:

  • natural gas and crude oil mines,
  • underground gas storage facilities,
  • natural gas compressor stations,
  • gas distribution stations and nodes,
  • well zones,
  • gas transmission pipelines,
  • installations for processing and conditioning liquid and gaseous fuels.

What do we do?

We operate in all areas of the oil and gas sector. We design and build facilities for the extraction, processing, transmission and storage of hydrocarbons. We accept projects of any scale or complexity level.

Who are our customers?

As a general contractor, we provide comprehensive services to both infrastructure operators and private investors in the oil and gas industry. We work in Poland and other European countries, perfectly complying with domestic and European legal, formal and organizational conditions.

Why are we a valuable partner?

We have had strong ties to the oil and gas sector since the very beginnings of CONTROL PROCESS, which means that we have over 30 years of experience in the design and construction of industrial installations. We have a rich portfolio of completed projects throughout Poland and Europe, and our team of specialists possesses high qualifications, experience and expert knowledge.

We build and modernize:

  • in the chemical industry,
  • in the petrochemical and fuel industry,
  • in the rubber industry,
  • in the cement industry,
  • in the metallurgical industry,
  • public utility facilities.



What do we do?

We specialize in implementing tasks based on the individual needs of our clients. Our offer includes both the comprehensive construction of new turnkey facilities (greenfield), as well as the design, delivery and assembly of technological installations for existing plants, or their modernization (brownfield).

Who are our customers?

We provide services for specialist and niche clients that require adaptation to the specific nature of a given production plant, and we also have extensive experience in implementing projects for global clients operating based on international standards and procedures.

Why are we a valuable partner?

CONTROL PROCESS’s decades of experience in implementing diverse technological construction projects guarantee an individual approach to the most unusual challenges. The internal design department at CONTROL PROCESS S.A. provides experienced engineering resources to implement tasks in the “design and build” system.

Projects implemented in the Environmental Protection sector:

Modernizacja części osadowo-biogazowej Oczyszczalni Ścieków w Starachowicach

W ramach realizacji umowy została przeprowadzona modernizacja części osadowo-biogazowej oczyszczalni ścieków w Starachowicach.

Budowa Zakładu Unieszkodliwiania Odpadów w Olsztynie

W zakres realizacji kontraktu, weszły dwie inwestycje: "Projektowanie i budowa Zakładu Unieszkodliwiania Odpadów Komunalnych w Olsztynie" oraz "Projektowanie i budowa drogi dojazdowej do ZUOK"

Budowa Zakładu Zagospodarowania Odpadów w Lulkowie

Budowa Zakładu Zagospodarowania Odpadów w miejscowości Lulkowo.

Budowa Zakładu Mechaniczno-Biologicznego Przetwarzania Odpadów Komunalnych w Stalowej Woli

Realizacja w formule "pod klucz" Zakładu Mechaniczno-Biologicznego Przetwarzania Odpadów

Projects in the Power Engineering sector:

Budowa gazowego bloku energetycznego o całkowitej mocy elektrycznej 55 MW

Pierwszy etap zadania objął budowę dwóch kotłów gazowych o wydajności 150 Mg/h pary podgrzanej każdy

Zaprojektowanie, dostawa, montaż, rozruch i przekazanie do eksploatacji układu odpopielania – Jaworzno 910 MWe

Budowa układu odpopielania dla bloku energetycznego o mocy 910 MWe w Tauron Wytwarzanie S.A – Oddział Elektrownia Jaworzno III

Rozbudowa SE 220/110 kV Piła Krzewina o rozdzielnię 400 kV-etap I

Pięcioetapowa rozbudowa rozdzielni 400 kV w SE 220/110 kV Piła Krzewina.

Budowa kotłowni gazowo-olejowej 114 MWt

Zadanie obejmowało budowę nowej ciepłowni szczytowej na potrzeby miasta Katowice

Projects in the Oil and Gas sector:

Budowa Węzła Rozdzielczo-Pomiarowego Strachocina

Budowany węzeł oraz układ gazociągów został przystosowany do dwukierunkowego (rewersyjnego) przesyłu  gazu, co wpłynęło na poprawę bezpieczeństwa dostaw.

Budowa tłoczni gazu w miejscowości Paldiski

Zadanie obejmowało zaprojektowanie i budowę tłoczni gazu Paldiski jako część gazociągu Balticconnector

Budowa tłoczni gazu Puiatu

Projekt budowy tłoczni gazu ziemnego w estońskim Puiatu jako część planu rozwoju estońskiego systemu przesyłowego gazu

Budowa tłoczni gazu ziemnego na KGZ Radlin i modernizacja kotłowni technologicznej

Budowa tłoczni gazu składała się z trzech zestawów sprężarkowych oraz niezbędnej infrastruktury technicznej koniecznej do ich eksploatacji.

Projects in the Industry sector:

Budowa silosu klinkieru w Cementowni Chełm

W ramach zadania „Budowa silosu klinkieru 2 x 125 000 Mg”, firma CONTROL PROCESS wykonała kompleksowe prace dotyczące instalacji elektrycznych.

Modernizacja układu zasilania i sterowania w Cementowni Rudniki

Przedmiotem zamówienia była kompleksowa realizacja zadnia modernizacji instalacji sterowania i zasilania pieca obrotowego w Cementowni Rudniki.

Budowa Zakładu Radioterapii

Zlecenie obejmowało prace montażowe i rozruchowe dla zadania inwestycyjnego "Budowa Zakładu Radioterapii przy Szpitalu Wojewódzkim im. Św. Łukasza w Tarnowie".

Instalacja do produkcji rozpuszczalników w Rafinerii Nafty Jedlicze

Dostawa i montaż instalacji AKPiA oraz instalacji elektrycznej w rafinerii Jedlicze.