The first phase of the task included the construction of two gas-fired boilers with a capacity of 150 Mg/h of heated steam each
Construction of an ash removal system for a 910 MWe power unit at Tauron Wytwarzanie S.A – Jaworzno III Power Plant Branch
Five-stage extension of the 400 kV switchgear at SE 220/110 kV Piła Krzewina.
The task included the construction of a new district heating plant for the city of Katowice
Construction of the new Wygoda substation based on high-voltage switchgear using GIS technology.
Realisation of cogeneration installations in gas-fired combined heat and power plants fuelled by de-methanisation gas at the Katowice District Heating Company.
The task consisted of the installation of a complete bleeder-condensing turbine-generator together with equipment and auxiliary installations.
Extension of the ‘Zabrze’ GPZ in the scope of the transformer station
Construction of a combined heat and power plant, fuelled by natural gas extracted from the Lubiatów crude oil and natural gas mine (‘LMG Project’)
The task included: the design, construction and commissioning of a combined heat and power plant based on gas-fired cogeneration engines.
Construction of a cogeneration system with a 4.0 MWe generator powered by gas from mine de-methanation and construction of a 110 kV substation.