Environmental Protection


Oil and Gas

Building infrastructure
for a better tomorrow

Society and industry require tools to achieve their goals in terms of expected quality of life, safety, environmental protection and efficiency. We design and build advanced technological installations that respond to these challenges.

Environmental Protection

The protection of natural resources has become a priority for both municipal authorities and the private sector. We build installations that protect water resources, neutralize solid waste and ensure clean air.


Diversified, stable and efficient economic energy sources are essential to ensure sustainable economic growth. We build transmission infrastructure, generation units based on renewable sources and conventional fuels.

Oil and Gas

Hydrocarbons are reliable and low-emission energy carriers. We provide installations for their safe extraction, treatment, transport and storage.

General Contractor

For over 30 years, we have been designing and building comprehensive installations and technological facilities. We provide general contracting services in technological projects aimed at implementing a specific process on an industrial scale, strictly according to our clients’ specifications. We are involved in the implementation of various projects: power plants, water treatment plants, natural gas storage facilities, etc. We carry out tasks for the largest providers of energy and public utility services. From the point of view of society and the economy, it is critical infrastructure, while from our point of view – everyday work.

We build responsible business

Responsibility is a fundamental part of running a business. Each project is a carefully calculated relationship between the resources involved and the expected result. We seek a satisfactory compromise for the stakeholders of each project, while ensuring the protection of the natural environment. When choosing materials and technologies, we take into account energy efficiency indicators and the resources consumed. Due to the sectors in which we operate, the projects we manage are subject to particular surveillance for any environmental risks.

Impactful achievements

We build installations that have an impact on the environment and the economy. The right choice of technology and optimized design make a difference, which is really important in the case of industrial installations. Below are some examples of what our projects were able to achieve, in hard numbers:

Every hour, the installations we built supply:

The municipal waste processing plants we constructed have reduced the amount of waste sent to landfills by up to:

The sorting plants designed by CONTROL PROCESS recycle 150 tons of secondary raw materials per day:


Thanks to the cogeneration facilities we constructed, we were able to reduce CO₂ emissions by:

87% 330 000 t/year 3.5 million m³/hour 150 t/d

Case Study

Zakład Zagospodarowania Odpadów w Olsztynie

Projekt i budowa Zakładu Unieszkodliwiania Odpadów Komunalnych w Olsztynie oraz budowa drogi dojazdowej do ZUOK.

Wyspa kotłowa ZW Kraków

Budowa gazowego bloku energetycznego opalanego gazem wielkopiecowym oraz ziemnym o całkowitej mocy elektrycznej 55 MW.

Węzeł gazu Strachocina

Budowa węzła rozdzielczo-pomiarowego gazu w miejscowości Strachocina.

Tłocznia gazu Paldiski

Interkonektor Estonia-Finlandia i tłocznia gazu w Paldiski

Tłocznia gazu ziemnego Puiatu

Budowa tłoczni gazu w miejscowości Puiatu w Estonii jako część gazociągu Balticconnector.

Case Study

Zakład Zagospodarowania Odpadów w Olsztynie

Projekt i budowa Zakładu Unieszkodliwiania Odpadów Komunalnych w Olsztynie oraz budowa drogi dojazdowej do ZUOK.

Wyspa kotłowa ZW Kraków

Budowa gazowego bloku energetycznego opalanego gazem wielkopiecowym oraz ziemnym o całkowitej mocy elektrycznej 55 MW.

Węzeł gazu Strachocina

Budowa węzła rozdzielczo-pomiarowego gazu w miejscowości Strachocina.

Tłocznia gazu Paldiski

Interkonektor Estonia-Finlandia i tłocznia gazu w Paldiski

Tłocznia gazu ziemnego Puiatu

Budowa tłoczni gazu w miejscowości Puiatu w Estonii jako część gazociągu Balticconnector.

International scope

We are convinced that environmental protection is the key to sustainable development. That is why we are involved in environmental protection activities and promote responsible attitudes among our employees and customers. Our suppliers and subcontractors are assessed in terms of the ecological standards they meet. We are at the forefront in terms of technologies we implement for the environmental protection sector – we build safe installations for the disposal of municipal waste and effective installations for sewage treatment and sewage sludge disposal.