Over 30 years of experience,
but a fresh approach

We know that in our industry, only practical knowledge and experience can help us complete the most complex and demanding projects. For over 30 years, we have been implementing modern solutions for our clients in the field of industrial and process installations. Our work has taught us to always search for the most effective processes and devices that will guarantee the highest returns on investment for our partners.

The Company is established

Marian Wiatr, the main shareholder of CONTROL PROCESS S.A., founds his business, Firma Automatyzacji i Pomiarów (FAIP) CONTROL PROCESS S.C. The company delivers comprehensive solutions that automate production and technological processes. Being the first company to provide this type of services on the market, FAIP CONTROL PROCESS modernizes dozens of industrial plants across such diverse sectors as heating, food industry, energy, water treatment, refining, chemical industry, mining, metallurgy, gas industry and many others. In the following years, in addition to I&C installations, CONTROL PROCESS would go on to expand its portfolio to include the design and implementation of electrical installations.


First contracts for the heating industry completed

In 1994, Firma Automatyzacji i Pomiarów CONTROL PROCESS S.C. is tasked by the Municipal Heating Company in Kraków with the design, prefabrication, assembly and start-up of 67 Heat Exchanger Stations. The project is financed by the World Bank and is demanding due to its scale, very short lead time and the required level of coordination and organization of work. New, fully automated heat exchangers have significantly improved the user experience and increased the efficiency and reliability of part of the district heating system.


First projects on a turnkey basis

After transforming into CONTROL PROCESS Sp. z o.o. and gaining experience in coordinating and managing multi-sector projects, FAIP CONTROL PROCESS S.C. enters the market of providing general contracting services in respect of technological facilities. The breakthrough came in 2004, when the company signed an agreement for the implementation of two large (worth several and several dozen million Polish złoty, respectively) projects: “Modernization and expansion of the sewage treatment plant in Jarosław” and “Development of Biszcza – 1, 4, 5 and Księżpol 10, 12, 15, 16 gas wells”. Parallel management of large, multi-sector projects originating from various sectors gave us valuable experience on our way to building a company capable of simultaneously implementing many technologically complex projects worth hundreds of millions for the most demanding clients.


Transformation into a joint stock company, establishment of Capital Group

CONTROL PROCESS Sp. z o.o. is transformed into a joint stock company. Subsidiaries with capital ties to CONTROL PROCESS enter the CONTROL PROCESS Capital Group. The new structure organizes the division of competencies, new companies with specific specializations are established.


Participation in the construction of the largest oil and gas mine in Poland

2009 is a breakthrough year for the Polish oil industry. Work is started on the construction of the largest oil and gas mine in the country. When launched, KRNiGZ Lubiatów will double the production of oil in Poland (up to 1 million tons/year) and will enable the extraction of 7.3 billion cubic metres of natural gas. CONTROL PROCESS S.A. is involved in the project from the very beginning – from the design stage to full launch in 2012, being responsible for the construction of all production zones, group centers and the CHP plant.


Exceeding the level of PLN 500 million in revenue and 1,000 employees

Thanks to the acquisition and successful implementation of successive investments in the general contracting model, CONTROL PROCESS S.A. is increasing its results every year, while the contracting and manufacturing companies included in the CONTROL PROCESS Capital Group are dynamically increasing employment. In 2012, these values at the consolidated level exceed 500 million PLN in revenue and 1000 employees.


CONTROL PROCESS becomes of one of the largest companies in the Polish gas sector

Despite the unstable market situation (high volatility resulting from its cyclical nature), CONTROL PROCESS S.A. manages to build and maintain competences and a team with experience in the implementation of large-scale technological installations for the gas industry. The CONTROL PROCESS team has experience in designing, building and launching gas compressor stations, transfer hubs and stations, mines and underground gas storage facilities. This potential will in the future allow the company to work on the most prestigious projects in Poland and in Europe.


Opening of Balticconnector gas pipeline between Estonia and Finland

CONTROL PROCESS S.A. is participating in the implementation of a landmark gas infrastructure investment program for the countries of the Baltic region. Worth EUR 300 million, the Balticconnector project is to connect the natural gas transmission systems of Estonia and Finland, providing the country with access to the common European energy market. The most important technological installations on the Estonian side – the natural gas compressor stations in Paldiski and Puiatu, as well as the international metering station in Paldiski – were designed and built by CONTROL PROCESS.


Construction of Ukraine’s first municipal waste processing facility

Thanks to the experience gained in Poland in the design and construction of large-scale installations for the disposal and recycling of municipal waste, CONTROL PROCESS S.A. has the competences required to effectively build such installations abroad. In 2021, the company signs a contract for the construction of a plant for mechanical and biological processing of municipal waste in the city of Lviv. This investment, co-financed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, will be the first and exemplary installation of this type in Ukraine.


The Company is established

Marian Wiatr, the main shareholder of CONTROL PROCESS S.A., founds his business, Firma Automatyzacji i Pomiarów (FAIP) CONTROL PROCESS S.C. The company delivers comprehensive solutions that automate production and technological processes. Being the first company to provide this type of services on the market, FAIP CONTROL PROCESS modernizes dozens of industrial plants across such diverse sectors as heating, food industry, energy, water treatment, refining, chemical industry, mining, metallurgy, gas industry and many others. In the following years, in addition to I&C installations, CONTROL PROCESS would go on to expand its portfolio to include the design and implementation of electrical installations.



CSR Corporate Social Responsibility

We believe that doing good business should go hand in hand with doing good for others. True success is marked not only financial results, but above all by corporate social responsibility. That is why we make sure that our strong market position allows to help others. This way our actions to support those in need can be more effective.

As CONTROL PROCESS S.A., we have been and continue to be involved in supporting the local community on many levels, including by:

– looking after the environment by implementing ecologically-friendly solutions, including in the mining and energy industries,

– supporting local social, charitable and cultural initiatives,

– supporting the personal and professional development of our employees,

– sponsoring clubs, associations and local sports initiatives,

– ad hoc activities – helping people in difficult life situations, while respecting the privacy of both those in need and those who help.

Local community


CONTROL PROCESS S.A. supports social and cultural initiatives. We do not forget about those who need support and donate to local charity initiatives. We operate with respect for the anonymity of those in need. We also provide our patronage to cultural and sports events, supporting local passions and interests.

Environmental protection


Protecting nature is one of the tenets inscribed in the DNA of our company. All CONTROL PROCESS S.A. business projects are conducted with respect for natural resources and with protection of the natural environment in mind. We choose the technologies we use and assess our potential subcontractors using ecological criteria. Environmental protection is of absolutely critical importance to us, as our projects are implemented for industries who greatly impact the environment around us. Water purification, energy generation, resource extraction and treatment of hydrocarbons are only some of the areas where environmental protection is our key priority.

Sport and personal development


For many years now, CONTROL PROCESS S.A. has been sponsoring local football, speedway, handball and basketball clubs. The development of our employees is very important to us, and we ensure it by helping them study at universities, enabling them to participate in courses and training and providing them with good working conditions that are also conducive to their professional and personal development. A good atmosphere at work is priceless for us, and we therefore support the organization of joint sports activities, company picnics, trips and integration meetings.

Our mission

There are four words and four values that best describe the DNA of our company:

– Quality of our design and implementation of cutting-edge technological solutions.

– Commitment, of key importance to ensure completion of every project with maximum involvement.

– Experience which allows us to ensure the highest quality and responsibly implement even the most innovative projects.

– Modernity, as constant progress and choosing state-of-the-art are necessary for the development of any tech company.


Supervisory Board:

  • Karolina Wiatr
  • Andrzej Janik
  • Robert Bełtek
  • Zbigniew Mirek
  • Dawid Soin

Wojciech Wiatr

Chairman of the Board,
Director of Technical Affairs and Development

Wojciech Wiatr began his career with CONTROL PROCESS S.A. in the Marketing and Bid Preparation Department, ultimately becoming its Director. He has been a member of the company’s Board since 2007, and on 11 June 2016 he was appointed the Chairman of the Board. He graduated from the Faculty of Management and Marketing at the AGH University in Kraków, receiving a degree of master of engineering.

Tomasz Wiatr

Deputy Chairman of the Board,
Director of Strategic Contracts

Tomasz Wiatr has sat on the boards of various IT companies of the CONTROL PROCESS S.A. group since 2004. In 2011, he was appointed the Director of the Marketing and Bid Preparation Department at CONTROL PROCESS S.A., while also acting as an expert on public procurement law and EU funds and projects. He has held the post of Deputy Chairman of the Board of CONTROL PROCESS S.A. since 2013. He graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics at the AGH University in Kraków, specializing in mechatronics.

Piotr Musiał

Deputy Chairman of the Board,
Director of Design and Strategic Contracts

Piotr Musiał has been a member of the board at CONTROL PROCESS S.A. since 2012. He previously worked for many years for BSiPG GAZOPROJEKT S.A. in Wrocław, where he climbed every step of the corporate ladder – from Assistant Designer to Director of Design and Development. He graduated from the Faculty of Environmental Engineering at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology. He also holds a postgraduate degree in Gas Engineering from the Warsaw University of Technology and completed the Management 2010 program.

Chairman of the Board,
Director of Technical Affairs and Development

Wojciech Wiatr

Deputy Chairman of the Board,
Director of Strategic Contracts

Tomasz Wiatr

Deputy Chairman of the Board,
Director of Design and Strategic Contracts

Piotr Musiał

A challenge-oriented company

We complete projects in an international environment, integrating projects physically located in Europe with suppliers from all over the world. As part of our projects, we often cooperate directly with dozens of foreign suppliers of equipment and technologies at the same time. The projects we are involved in are often of a cutting-edge nature. Responding to the needs of changing market expectations and legislation, we design and build installations for our clients that use technologies new to a given country, serving as a model for the local market and setting future standards.