Municipal Waste Disposal Plant in Olsztyn
Design and construction of the Municipal Waste Disposal Plant in Olsztyn and construction of an access road to the ZUOK.
Design and construction of the Municipal Waste Disposal Plant in Olsztyn and construction of an access road to the ZUOK.
The Municipal Waste Disposal Plant in Olsztyn is to be one of the most modern installations of its kind, thanks to its high level of automation and the biosolids technology used, equipped with an automatic loading installation. The technologies used will ensure that the end products of the plant’s operation will not be ballast, which must be stored on the site, but valuable products: alternative fuel and recyclable materials. The plant is expected to serve the residents of dozens of municipalities and become one of the largest in Poland, with a capacity of over 119,000 Mg/year.
As part of the implementation of the project, the following facilities were built:
– installation for processing mixed municipal waste with a capacity of about 95,000 Mg/year,
– installation for disassembly of bulky waste, including disassembly of waste electrical and electronic equipment,
– installation for crushing of construction waste and storage yard,
– hazardous waste storage facility,
– sorting line for selectively collected waste with a capacity of about 16,000 Mg/year,
– administrative buildings,
– access roads.
The built plant enables the collection and safe management of municipal waste from an area with more than 500,000 residents. The completed investment allows recovery of raw materials and energy, turning waste into valuable fuel and secondary raw materials, which will be a source of additional revenue for the investor. The RDF stream produced by the plant provides a reliable and stable source of alternative fuel for the city of Olsztyn’s new combined heat and power plant, which has replaced inefficient and environmentally inefficient coal-fired sources.