

Construction of waste management plant in Olsztyn

In the scope of the contract realization two investments are included: “Engineering and construction of municipal waste management plant in Olsztyn” and “Engineering and construction of the access road to ZUOK” Within project realization planned engineering and construction of the following facilities:

  • Installation for mixed solid waste treatment with capacity approx. 95 000 Mg/year,
  • Installation for disassembly of large size waste also disassembly of electrical equipment waste,
  • Installation for shredding architectural waste and place of its storing,
  • Hazardous waste storage,
  • Sorting lines for selectively compiled  waste


Project name Construction of waste management plant in Olsztyn
Client Zakład Gospodarki Odpadami Komunalnymi Sp. z o.o. w Olsztynie
Duration 2013-2015
Technical data Capacity: 95 000 Mg/r
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